About Us

Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Cirencester with Watermoor and St Lawrence: Charity number 1135068

Our Parish consists of three Anglican churches, the Parish Church of St John Baptist, Holy Trinity Church, Watermoor and St Lawrence Church Centre, Chesterton.

Whatever we do we are here to worship, glorify and serve God always. This is the beginning of our vision.

We currently have a team of three clergy and some retired priests who take services at all three churches and visit the various care homes in the parish. Another member of the team is responsible for children and young people’s work. Many members of the congregation take on all sorts of responsibilities for activities and events across the parish.

Recently we have been raising considerable sums of money to renovate the Parish Church which now has a lovely limestone floor, to refurbish the Father Willis Organ to a world class condition, to clean and make safe the stonework on the South Porch and the church tower and to ensure the other churches in the parish, Holy Trinity and St Lawrence, are kept in a good condition. To this end the Friends of the Parish Church raise funds to help maintain the fabric of the buildings both inside and out.

Those who volunteer to help in the many activities are asked to undertake a DBS check. Forms and details are available from the Parish office together with the policies on working with children and vulnerable adults.

Our parish is also part of the wider circle of churches in the area which make up Churches Together in Cirencester.

Fuller details of activities and life in our parish can be obtained from the administrative staff at the Parish office.

Visiting us


Monday - Sunday (9.00am - 5.00pm)




Email office@cirenparish.co.uk

Our Vision

The Churches of the Parish are called by God to be welcoming and prayerful communities filled and led by the Holy Spirit, seeking

•To worship, glorify and serve God always;

•To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ and own Him as Lord;

•To welcome all with love and compassion;

•To call everyone to develop and use God’s gifts in working together for Him;

•To live and work for God’s Kingdom, justice and peace.

Who's Who

Canon Graham Morris

Vicar of Cirencester

Revd Alison Love

Associate Vicar

Revd Joe Mottram

Assistant Curate

Father Colin Mattock

PTO Cirencester

Canon Karen Schmidt

PTO Cirencester

Revd Rosemary Franklin

PTO Cirencester

Revd Penny Light

PTO Cirencester

Revd Paul Springate

PTO Cirencester

Canon Philip Thomas

PTO Cirencester

Canon Philip Thomas

PTO Cirencester

Canon Philip Thomas

PTO Cirencester

Canon Philip Thomas

PTO Cirencester

Aileen Anderson

Parish Warden

Nigel Robbins OBE

Parish Warden

Bryony Springate

Holy Trinity Warden

Roger Hester

Holy Trinity Warden

Margaret Austin

St Lawrence Warden

Penny Phllips

St Lawrence Warden

Sarah Marshal

Parish Administrator

Hugo Kennard

Organist and Choirmaster. Digital Communications Manager

Emily Winstanley

Finance Officer

John Laurence

Parish Church Verger

Danny Abbot

Parish Church Verger

Bron Dale

Shop Manager

Caroline Mockett

Shop Manager

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